Wednesday, 29 January 2014

NDM Tony Gallagher exits as Daily Telegraph editor

This article focuses on the editor of the Daily Telegraphy, Tony Gallagher, being fired after four years. Telegraph journalists used Twitter to express their feelings for this shocking decision and some of the staff notes that he was "bagged out of the newsroom at short notice". As a result, assistant editor Chris Evans will be taking over, as the print editor of the Monday to Friday paper. Gallagher's sudden departure was based on the company idea to move the focus away from print and therefore to put greater emphasis on the digital content.

Notably, TMG had been planning to introduce a new five pillar structure which is organised around five new division. This includes: live, lifestyle, digital, print and impact. As a result, Gallagher was not happy with the print division. Moreover, Gallagher departure was based on the business moving "to the next phrase of its digital transformation". This was described as part of a restructuring of Telegraph titles aimed at building its digital media audience and revenue. Murdoch MacLennan, chief executive of Telegraph Media Group states: acknowledging the growing challenge print publications face in the digital media, the Telegraph remains profitable but we face increasingly pressure on the circulation and advertising streams". As a result, "to protect the company's future we need to rapidly embrace and adapt to the new digital world in which out customers live in".

Overall, it can be argued that some newspaper companies are going to be in decline because of the development of digital media. This is because, people can now access the news on their smartphones, instead of relying on buying a newspaper. Notably, this has caused newspaper companies to make online versions of their content which would appeal to people as well.

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