Sunday 27 April 2014

NDM: New York Times launches data journalism site The Upshot

This article focuses on the issue of  The New York Times launching a new site called The Upshot. The website will be a combination of data-driven and explanatory reporting which readers may find useful. 
Significantly, the editor of The Upshot David Leonhardt, wrote on his Facebook page that the aim of the website is to help people's understanding with big and complex stories. He argues that this would be done "by writing in a direct, plain-spoken way, the same voice we might use when writing an email to a friend. We’ll be conversational without being dumbed down".

It could be suggested that this would have a positive impact on people, especially for those who have difficulty understanding complex issues. He further argues that: "We will build on all of the excellent journalism the New York Times is already producing, by helping readers make connections among different stories and understand how those stories fit together." To add, the site will be using graphics and inter actives to help non-expects understand the news which highlights a positive factor. 

To conclude, it can be argued that the new website The Upshot would be beneficial among people. This is because some people may find it useful if they have difficulties understanding a complex new issue, as the website will help them. In relation to new/digital media, this shows a decline in print as a vast majority of people are receiving their news online, rather than purchasing a copy. The fact that individuals can download news app on their smartphones reinforces the idea that there is a decline in traditional forms of media and therefore the development of technology has allowed people to receive information instantly.

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