Sunday 27 April 2014

NDM: Facebook and Storyful launch FB Newswire

This article focuses on the issue of Facebook working with News Corp-owed Storyful to launch a FB Newswire. The aim of this project is to make it easier for journalists and newsrooms to "find, share and embed newsworthy content from Facebook" in their work. Significantly, the companies hope that FB Newswire will be beneficial resource for journalists to form newsworthy content shared publicly on Facebook, by individuals and organisations globally. To add, FB Newswire is powered by Storyful which significantly will be formed as a social news agency. This is because individuals can distribute their own videos and generate content by posting up pictures or updating their status.

Furthermore, Facebook has more than 1 billion users globally which highlights the company's success in enabling people to connect globally. Storyful was founded in 2010 and brought up Rupert Murdock's News Corp for £15m. The managing editor for Storyful, Aine Kerr states: ""Storyful's discovery technology and expert journalists will bring a new layer of verification, expert curation and community engagement to content on [Facebook]". This could suggest that FB Wire will be useful for journalists to share newsworthy content from Facebook easily. 

To conclude, it can be argued that the launch of FB Newswire would a useful tool for journalists as they will have the opportunity to share and embed newsworthy content from Facebook. As a result, this contrasts to traditional forms of media as journalist would have to reply on print media for their content. This establishes that new/digital media plays a vital role in changing consumers lifestyle, as most people receive their news content through social media. 

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