Tuesday 22 April 2014

Case Study: 9, 10, 11, & 12

  1. 9. Consider the effects so far, and possible effects in the future, on media institutions involved in your case study (media production).

As Facebook has become increasingly among people and has empowered audiences to generate content, it could be argued that this social networking site will have have a effect on the future, whether it is negative or positive. The positive effects of Facebook in the future is that more people would be using it to receive their latest information, communicate with others, instead of using traditional forms of media. The video below is from The Telegraph which shares their thoughts on the future of Facebook and how they should improve their strategy to appeal to the users. According to the video, the first aspect which Facebook should change is to make sure that not every picture is kept or status and therefore they preserve what users want and deletes what they don't. Secondly, Facebook should work out where they fit with shopping by taking money out of advertising and therefore becoming a social-Amazon, which could make them more successful. Thirdly, Facebook should get more people online even though in developed marketing it is growing by 1%, in developing worlds there is a huge potential for Facebook to get  new people. The social networking site had 1.2 billion people over the first year and over the next year Facebook may have 5 billion or more people online. As a result, this video is significant in showing the positive effects of Facebook in the future if they change their strategy in order to gain more users. 

Furthermore, according to The Telegraph Facebook looked at developing a smartphone but failed to go ahead with this strategy. It could be suggested that in the future Facebook could possible launch another app to generate revenue and increase the amount of users. Significantly, Mark Zukerberg purchased Whatsapp which makes the company more valuable. The purpose of purchasing this app was to make the world more connected and therefore this would be achieved by building service that will help people share any type of content with any group they want. Notably, What app is fast and a reliable mobile messaging service that is used by over 450m people, and will continue to operate independently within Facebook. It was stated in The Guardian,"Facebook Messenger is widely used for chatting with your Facebook friends, and WhatsApp for communicating with all of your contacts and small groups of people. Since WhatsApp and Messenger serve such different and important uses, we will continue investing in both and making them each great products for everyone". It could be suggested that Facebook will be increasingly popular in the future as now they have taken over Whatsapp,

  • http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/mediatechnologyandtelecoms/digital-media/10650340/Facebook-buys-WhatsApp-Mark-Zuckerberg-explains-why.html
  • http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/facebook/10612019/Whats-the-future-for-Facebook-as-it-turns-10.html
  • http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/feb/24/mark-zuckerberg-facebooks-future-is-to-reach-billions-of-mobile-users

10. What issues may there be regarding media effects and /or regulation/ censorship as a result of changes due to new and digital media?

censorship - banning or deleting information

In relation to Facebook and democracy there are issues regarding censorship, as some countries such as China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, have banned social networking sites. Iranian  authorities have blocked anything on the internet which was considered to be critical against society's norms. After 2009 elecetion, the leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei banned online chatting between unrelated men and women. The ruling came after the Iranian authorities blocked Webchat, which is a popular messaging app that enables smart phone users to access online social networks. Many bloggers, online activists and technical staff have faced jailed time terms, harassment and abuse for using the internet. Ironically, many Iranians officials are actively using their Facebook and Twitter accounts such as President Hassan. Significantly, "The Internet has been a battleground in Iran between those wanting for more freedoms, and others who feel they must protect society from dangerous influence". This establishes that are issues regarding censorship as some countries do not tolerate Facebook users and therefore it is hard for some citizens to achieve their goal in having a democratic society. Notably, the government has launched "cyberpolice units" charged with tracking those who try to visit banned Internet or social media sites. However, Facebook has become restored for citizens after four years.



11. Are there any cross-cultural factors and /or effects of globalisation involved in the impact of new technology on your case study?  E.g. the internet has been said to be ‘globalising culture’ through its promotion of the English language

It could be argued that there are effects of globalisation on Facebook, as it is not accessible in most countries. Through Facebook people can generate their own content and communicate with others, which makes this social networking site a 'global village'. Users can share information globally and voice their opinions without feeling restricted. As a result, some users have taken this as a advantage as  they have freedom to express their views. Notably, it is fair to say that Facebook is a 'globalising culture' through its promotion of the English Language, as users can quickly and effectively communicate online, without experiencing any difficulties. 

Moreover, one could argue that globalisation has had an effect on Facebook and there is an increase of cultural imperialism. This is because, on Facebook there are continuous trends which are shown through advertisements. As a result, this could suggest that certain cultures are being promoted to users, which are usually associated with western culture. Thus this would make people becoming more closer by sharing the same values and cultures. 

12. Consider theoretical perspectives in relation to the impact of new/ digital media in your case study.  E.g. Representation of certain groups as a result of changes, Marxism & Hegemony, Liberal Pluralism, colonialism, audience theories etc.

In relation to Pluralism, Facebook illustrates that individuals are no longer passive consumers of the media text as they are generating their own content and challenging the hegemonic ideologies in society. This highlights the concept of UGC, as users can actively post up their own videos without feeling restricted, which links to the Arab Spring protests. Notably, the audience have access to plural values enabling them to conform, accommodate or reject society's values. This establishes that through Facebook's news feed users do not have to believe everything which us being shown. To add, Facebook offers a wide range of products to consumers through advertisements which gives users a diversity of choice and therefore they can 'pick n mix' which lifestyle they want.

Furthermore, according to Katz and Blulmer Uses and Gratification model people may use Facebook for personal relationship and surveillance. This is because through Facebook users receive latest updates about social issues and they have the opportunity to communicate with others. As a result, this may empower users as they can interact with their friends globally without using traditional forms of media, which reinforces the idea that they are active agencies. 

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