Friday 18 April 2014

NDM: Guardian website tops 100 million monthly browsers for the first time

This article focuses on the issue of the Guardian online news content gaining 100 million browsers in a month for the first time. Significantly, stories including the search of the Malaysia Airways jet increased online traffic for most UK national newspapers. It could be suggested that this is one of the reason for the boost of online traffic for the Guardian, as the readers would want to know more about this issue. To add, the MediaGuardian had 102.3 million monthly users in March which is vital as it is there hit new record.

Furthermore, according to David Pemsel, deputy chief executive of Guardian News & Media states: ""100 million browsers is an historic landmark for everyone at the Guardian – but we won't rest on our laurels. We'll continue to innovate editorially, digitally and commercially in order to break new ground and attract still more readers to our world-class, independent, open journalism". This establishes that the company is going to continue to satisfy their readers in order to attract new audiences and maintain their success. Notably, the Guardian online is the second UK  newspaper to top 100  million monthly browsers, which establishes that the site is continually popular among readers.

To conclude, it can be argued that the Guardian website is extremely popular amongst readers because it contains a wide range of issues which would appeal to them and is free content. The Guardian targets the social demographic of middle class individuals (A/B) as they are more likely to keep up-to-date with the lasted global issues, which the website provides. The fact that people can now access the Guardian through their smartphones by downloading the app, highlights the advantages of new media as it gives individuals instant updates which would not of been provided through traditional forms of media.

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